We are proudly announcing the reached milestones:
VESNA was presented to the international audience of the LEARNING AND TEACHING FORUM at STU in Bratislava.
November 7, 2024
Our smart greenhouse VESNA was presented to the international audience of the LEARNING AND TEACHING (LaT) FORUM event, organized on November 7, at STU in Bratislava. Together with our students, we presented our innovative way of combining education and scientific research using our smart greenhouse VESNA. This presentation highlighted our innovative approach to hands-on learning in sustainable food production and smart process control, emphasizing the educational experiences through teamwork across multiple student grade levels.
New version of VESNA App
The bachelor thesis on developing a mobile application for remote monitoring and control of the VESNA was successfully defended.
June 18, 2024
The mobile application for remote monitoring and control of the VESNA was developed for Android in the bachelor thesis entitled „Developing a Mobile Application for Remote Monitoring and Control of the VESNA Smart Greenhouse“ elaborated by Michaela Beluskova (see the picture on Facebook). The thesis was supervised by Dr. Peter Bakarac.
Advanced multivariable control of inner environment in VESNA
The semestral project on the multivariable offset-free model predictive control design for VESNA was successfully defended.
May 22, 2024
The advanced multivariable offset-free model predictive control of the inner temperature and humidity in VESNA was designed and implemented in the semestral project elaborated by Branislav Daras (see the picture on Facebook). The thesis was supervised by Assoc. Prof. Juraj Oravec.
VESNA integrates the weather station
The final meeting of the Vertical Project—integrated courses on Project on Process Control and Group Project, where students presented the further development of the prototype of greenhouse VESNA.
May 27, 2024
Each team presented the results of the Smart Eco Greenhouse VESNA development. The Vertical Project integrates students in the 2nd and 3rd years of the bachelor’s study programme „Process Control“. Students cooperated on the project in a teamwork setup of two teams dedicated to solving particular tasks. Among other goals, students in the SmartTeam identified the parameters of the greenhouse model using the extensive set of experimentally collected data. Using these data, the students designed and implemented a closed-loop controller for the internal environment of a greenhouse. Students in the MeteoTeam designed their weather station to be installed next to the solar panel of VESNA. Students also designed a printed circuit board to manage the communication of the weather station with the cloud service. Except for scientific goals, the project develops students‘ soft skills such as teamwork, time- and task management, and presentation skills. The students also proposed further interesting ideas on how to continue the development of the project, see the picture on Facebook.
Students presented the current advances in the Vertical Project at the Mid-term Review Meeting
Mid-term project meeting of students presenting current progress of the Vertical Project.
April 4, 2024
Each team presented solved tasks and discussed the remaining issues to be addressed. Students presented the initial 3D design of the tailored meteo-device and set of considered sensors to be integrated. The initial version of the code enabling communication with cloud service was developed. Students also developed the code for data collection for the identification of the complex system model. Students presented the extensive set of experimentally collected step-response-based data for various considered control inputs and system outputs. The original plan of each team was revisited and updated subject to the remaining tasks and the novel ideas introduced into the Vertical project.
Talk on VESNA at the scientific seminar
Recent achievements of the project VESNA were presented at the scientific seminar.
March 22, 2024
Our supervisor of the advanced autonomous controller design, Erika Pavlovicova, delivered a talk entitled: „VESNA – Let Your Ideas Grow“ at the regular series on the scientific seminar „Research Seminar on Smart Cybernetics“. The presentation summarized the recent achievements of the project VESNA in both, research and education. The talk also covered in detail various control problems related to the design of advanced autonomous control. The various open questions and possibilities for further research topics were discussed. See the blog.
VESNA return to Japan
We are proudly announcing that the research paper focused on the advanced controller design and the code development for VESNA was accepted to be presented at the prestigious IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 2024, Kyoto, Japan.
March 15, 2024
The research paper presenting the advanced model predictive control controller implementation for offset-free reference tracking of the inner temperature in the smart greenhouse VESNA, using the tailored source code was accepted to be presented at the 8th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive 2024 in Kyoto, Japan, see more at https://nmpc2024.org. We are thrilled to share the idea of our project VESNA with a wide audience and we are looking forward to collecting feedback from scientists and lecturers from around the world.
Next route map of the Vertical project
Initial stand-up of students presenting a route map reaching the goals of the 3rd year of the Vertical Project.
February 22, 2024
The third year of the Vertical project—integrated courses on Project on Process Control and Group Project, introduced the interesting tasks for MeteoTeam and SmartTeam. The team leaders introduced hired team members and presented detailed tasks- and time management for reaching the goals. The development of the project further boosts as the team leaders benefit from their experiences from the first Vertical project in 2023.
VESNA continues in education
Kick-off meeting of the 3rd year of the Vertical Project.
February 15, 2024
Project VESNA starts 3rd year of the unique format of the Vertical Project integrating the courses on Project on Process Control and the course on Group Project. The Vertical Project continues to benefit from the synergic effects of cross-grade student cooperation, as some of the students already have experience from the previous Vertical Project.
VESNA in public-oriented media
Public-oriented site „Veda na Dosah“ („Science Within Reach„) published another article about smart greenhouse VESNA.
February 7, 2024
Public-oriented site „Veda na Dosah“ („Science Within Reach“) published an online article (in Slovak) about the efficient handling of renewable energy by integrating a solar panel into the framework of smart greenhouse VESNA, see „Veda na Dosah“ („Science Within Reach“) and Facebook.
VESNA was again presented to the high school students
The smart greenhouse VESNA has been presented at the CHEMWEEK – Open Door Days at Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology STU in Bratislava.
February 2, 2024
A high number of high school students with a high interest in science and technology visited the CHEMWEEK – Open Door Days at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology STU in Bratislava on January 29 – February, 2. The abilities of the VESNA prototype were presented to the interested students. See the pictures on Facebook.
VESNA runs code
We released a tailored software toolbox managing the smart greenhouse VESNA.
November 17, 2023
We developed a tailored VESNA-CODE toolbox in the MATLAB programming environment providing an efficient and user-friendly interface for advanced autonomous control methods using the cloud service. We shipped the code on International Students Day. The code is freely available on GitHub and also distributed by tbxManager.
VESNA again visits the European Night of Researchers 2023—the largest scientific show in Slovakia
The prototype of the smart greenhouse VESNA has again attracted high interest at the flagship public-oriented scientific show in the Slovak Republic—the European Night of Researchers.
September 29, 2023
Thousands of visitors took attendance at the largest public-oriented scientific show in the Slovak Republic—the European Night of Researchers 2023. The visitors could enjoy the abilities of the prototype of the smart greenhouse VESNA using the cloud service. See the picture on Facebook IAM and Facebook FCHPT (both in Slovak).
VESNA turned face to the sun
Smart eco greenhouse VESNA utilizes solar energy.
September 4, 2023
We designed and installed the solar panel system to plug the VESNA with renewable solar energy resources. Together with the students, we designed our own printed circuit board to integrate the renewable energy source using a solar panel and optimized the associated battery management, see pictures on Facebook.
VESNA in ATP Journal
Specialist-oriented magazine „ATP Journal“ published an article introducing a novel design of VESNA and its role in education.
August 15, 2023
The project on our smart eco greenhouse VESNA was presented in the specialist-oriented magazine „ATP Journal“. The article was published (in Slovak) in both, online and printed versions (pp.30-31).
Lecture on VESNA delivered at the prestigious IFAC World Congress in Yokohama, Japan
Our smart eco greenhouse VESNA and its unique role in education was presented as a lecture at IFAC World Congress in Yokohama, Japan.
July 13, 2023
The research paper „Smart Eco Greenhouse VESNA“ was presented to a worldwide audience at the prestigious international conference – the 22nd IFAC World Congress in Yokohama, Japan. The lecture was delivered by the Ph.D. student Erika Pavlovicova, a former co-developer of VESNA. Moreover, the main developer of VESNA, Dr. Peter Bakarac, was the Chairman of the corresponding regular session on „Control Education Using Laboratory Equipment„, see pictures on Facebook.
Advanced autonomous control of temerature in VESNA
The bachelor thesis on the autonomous offset-free model predictive control design for VESNA was successfully defended.
June 20, 2023
The advanced autonomous offset-free model predictive control of the inner temperature in VESNA was designed and implemented in the bachelor thesis entitled „Model Predictive Control Design for a Prototype of Smart Greenhouse“ (in Slovak) elaborated by Branislav Daras, and supervised by Assoc. Prof. Juraj Oravec. The control performance and the associated energy efficiency were analyzed in detail.
VESNA was presented on the PC 2023
VESNA was presented at the 24th International Conference on Process Control 2023.
June 6, 2023
We were happy to introduce VESNA at the poster entitled „VESNA Smart Greenhouse“ presented by Dr. Peter Bakaráč to the wide audience of the 24th International Conference on Process Control 2023. We appreciate the comments and feedback from the experts pushing the development of our smart greenhouse forward.
VESNA efficiently integrates renewable sources of energy
The final meeting of the Vertical Project—integrated courses on Project on Process Control and Group Project, where students presented the further development of the prototype of greenhouse VESNA.
May 17, 2023
Each team presented the results of the Smart Eco Greenhouse VESNA development. The Vertical Project integrates students in the 2nd and 3rd years of the bachelor’s study programme „Process Control„. Students cooperated on the project in a teamwork setup of two teams dedicated to solving particular tasks. Among other goals, students in the CloudTeam established an effective live stream from the smart greenhouse VESNA to its homepage, and students in the SolarTeam designed their own printed circuit board to integrate the renewable energy source using a solar panel and optimized the associated battery management. Except for scientific goals, the project develops students‘ soft skills such as teamwork, time- and task management, and presentation skills. The students also proposed further interesting ideas on how to continue the development of the project, see the picture on Facebook.
VESNA provides live stream
As a part of the student’s project goals, VESNA provides a live stream.
April 26, 2023
We provide a preliminary version of the Live Stream for the remote supervision of the smart greenhouse VESNA.
VESNA enters TV
Watch the current report about VESNA on RTVS.
April 24, 2023
Our new prototype of the ecological smart greenhouse VESNA was presented to a wide audience in a report on RTVS, the Slovak nationwide public broadcasting organization, see RTVS Archive.
Stay tuned on RTVS
Our smart greenhouse VESNA will be soon presented on RTVS.
April 21, 2023
Stay tuned to RTVS, the Slovak nationwide public broadcasting organization, to learn more about our ecological smart greenhouse VESNA, soon. See the picture on Facebook.
Students presented the current progress of the Vertical Project at the mid-term project meeting
Mid-term project meeting of students presenting current progress of the Vertical Project.
April 3, 2023
Each team presented solved tasks and discussed the remaining issues to be addressed. Among other goals, the students started the integration of solar panel to supply the smart eco greenhouse with a renewable energy source. Students also investigated the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of the data exchange using advanced cloud services. The original plan of each team was revisited and updated subject to the remaining tasks and the novel ideas introduced into the Vertical project. See the picture on Facebook.
VESNA was presented on the MiniERASMUS at STU
The smart greenhouse VESNA has been presented on the MiniERASMUS—an opened-labs activity for the High School Students at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. See the picture on Facebook.
March 27, 2023

The abilities of the VESNA prototype were presented to about high school students with a high interest in science who took attendance on the MiniERASMUS–an opened-labs event organized by the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. See the picture on Facebook.
VESNA goes to Japan
We are proudly announcing that the research paper sharing more than a year of experiences of integrating VESNA into the education was accepted to be presented at the prestigious IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan.
March 3, 2023
The research paper presenting the benefits of the project VESNA in education was accepted by the reviewers of the 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control 2023 in Yokohama, Japan, see more at https://www.ifac2023.org. We are thrilled to share the idea of our project VESNA with a wide audience and we are looking forward to collecting feedback from scientists and lecturers coming from around the whole world.
Next route map of the Vertical project
Initial stand-up of students presenting a route map reaching the goals of the 2nd year of the Vertical Project.
February 20, 2023
The second year of the Vertical project—integrated courses on Project on Process Control and Group Project, introduced brand new teams—the SolarTeam and CloudTeam. The team leaders introduced hired team members and presented detailed tasks- and time management for reaching the goals. The development of the project boosts as the team leaders benefit from their experiences from the first Vertical project in 2022.
VESNA continues in the Vertical Project
Kick-off meeting of the next year of the Vertical Project.
February 13, 2023
Project VESNA continues in the unique format of the Vertical Project introduced last year into education at the Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics, FCHPT, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The Vertical Project integrates the courses on Project on Process Control and the course on Group Project. This year the Vertical Project especially benefits from the synergic effects of cross-grade student cooperation, as some of these students already have an experience from the first Vertical Project.
Next step in the development of VESNA
Students presented the results of the Project on Process Control at the final project meeting.
January 16, 2023
Each team presented and discussed the achieved goals in the development of the Smart Eco Greenhouse VESNA. Several interesting extensions were designed and implemented. CoreTeam modeled and 3D printed a separate smart irrigation unit. The students also designed a new sensor board to monitor the properties of an internal environment. SmartTeam reviewed and extended the code for autonomous control and managing the notifications sent to the user. The students also designed a machine-learning-based sensor using the neural network dedicated to anomaly detection. AppTeam improved the web-based interface and the remote control framework. The students also integrated a live stream and time-laps into the greenhouse. Besides the scientific goals, the project develops students‘ soft skills such as teamwork, time- and task management, and presentation skills. The students also proposed further interesting ideas on how to continue the development of the project. See the picture on Facebook.
VESNA was presented at the scientific seminar
The development procedure of the smart eco greenhouse VESNA was presented at the scientific seminar.
November 25, 2022
Our Embedded Hardwere&Software Specialist delivered a talk entitled: „The Whole Procedure of a Device Development“ at the regular series on the scientific seminar „Research Seminar on Smart Cybernetics„. The talk covered in detail various solved problems related to the construction of the prototype of the smart greenhouse and the design of its electronics. The various open questions were discussed with colleagues from various departments of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. See the blog.
Student project on VESNA got 2nd Award at the Student Scientific Conference
The student project on the „Smart greenhouse monitoring via telemetry“ was presented at the Student Scientific Conference.
November 23, 2022
The student project on the „Smart greenhouse monitoring via telemetry“ was presented at the Student Scientific Conference – „Chemistry and Technologies for Life„. Among other high-level student scientific projects, this student project got the 2nd Award.
Mid-term project meeting of students presenting current progress of the Project on Process Control
Students presented the current progress of the Project on Process Control at the mid-term project meeting.
November 7, 2022
Each team presented solved tasks and listed the remaining issues to be addressed. Among other goals, the students designed and 3D-modelled an improved irrigation system running on a separate microcontroller. Students also installed new sensors to monitor the environment in the smart greenhouse and reviewed the code of autonomous control to make it even more efficient and modular. The user interface of the remote control was also improved. The original plan of each team was revisited and updated subject to the remaining tasks and the novel ideas introduced into the project. See the picture on Facebook.
VESNA enters public-oriented media
Public-oriented site „Veda na Dosah“ („Science Within Reach„) published a separate article introducing project VESNA to a wide audience.
October 6, 2022
The project on our smart eco greenhouse VESNA was presented in an online article (in Slovak) on the public-oriented popular site „Veda na dosah“ („Science Within Reach“).
VESNA was presented at the European Night of Researchers—the largest scientific show in Slovakia
The prototype of the smart greenhouse VESNA has been presented at the flagship public-orineted scientific show in the Slovak Republic—the European Night of Researchers.
September 30, 2022
Thousands of visitors took attendance at the largest public-oriented scientific show in the Slovak Republic—the European Night of Researchers. The visitors could enjoy also the remote control of our smart greenhouse VESNA using the cloud service. See the picture on Facebook.
Route map of the course on Project on Process Control
Initial stand-up of students presenting a route map reaching the goals for each task.
September 26, 2022
Team leaders presented their team members and discussed a proposed task- and time-management for reaching the particular goals of the course on Project on Process Control.
VESNA was presented at the large open-air Scientific Show
The prototype of the smart greenhouse VESNA has been presented at the Scientific Show—the large open-air public-oriented scientific show.
September 23, 2022
Hundreds of elementary and high-school students interested in science and technology visited the large open-air Scientific Show in Bratislava. The VESNA prototype was presented to the interested students and their teachers. See the picture on Facebook. Moreover, the popular public-oriented scientific site „Veda na dosah“ („Science Within Reach“) published an online article (in Slovak) about this event, where also the VESNA was presented.
VESNA continues in education
Kick-off meeting of the next round of the Project on Process Control.
September 19, 2022
Project VESNA continues in education in the next semester in the course Project on Process Control. The smart eco greenhouse is further developed by the master’s students at the Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics, FCHPT, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
VESNA was presented at Summer University at STU
The prototype of the smart greenhouse VESNA has been presented at the Summer University for High School Students at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
September 9, 2022
The abilities of the VESNA prototype were presented to about 30 high school students with a high interest in science and technology who took attendance in the Summer University for High School Students—an event organized by the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. See the picture on Facebook.
VESNA got hardware support
We gratefully acknowledge the Humusoft company for hardware support.
August 30, 2022
We are proud that our project VESNA got hardware support from the Humusoft company. This support enables us to improve the development of the novel construction of the smart greenhouse VESNA.
VESNA has a logo
Check our brand-new logo of VESNA.
June 30, 2022
To improve the building of a visual identity for the project VESNA, we designed our brand-new logo, which is available here.
VESNA was presented to the high school students
The prototype of the smart greenhouse VESNA has been presented at the CHEMSHOW – Open Door Day at Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology STU in Bratislava.
June 24, 2022
Hundreds of high school students with a high interest in science and technology visited the CHEMSHOW – Open Door Day at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology STU in Bratislava. The abilities of the VESNA prototype were presented to the interested students. See the pictures on Facebook or check the blog (in Slovak). Also, the special issue of the faculty students‘ magazine „Radikal“ (vol.7, p.7), distributed to all participants, published a contribution about project VESNA (in Slovak).
Further progress on the self-awareness of VESNA
The final meeting of the Vertical Project—integrated courses on Project on Process Control and Group Project, where students demonstrated the abilities of the further development of the prototype of greenhouse VESNA.
May 25, 2022
Each team presented the reached results of the development of the Smart Eco Greenhouse VESNA. The Vertical Project integrates students in the 2nd and 3rd years of the bachelor’s study programme „Process Control„. Students cooperated on the project in a teamwork setup of three teams dedicated to solving particular tasks. Among other goals, students in the CoreTeam established effective communication using a cloud service, students in the SmartTeam designed an autonomous control of temperature and lighting, and students in the AppTeam further developed the web-based remote control supporting a multi-language interface. Except for scientific goals, the project develops students‘ soft skills such as teamwork, time- and task management, and presentation skills. The students also proposed further interesting ideas on how to continue the development of the project, see a picture on Facebook.
VESNA communicates through Arduino Cloud IoT
Mid-term project meeting of students presenting current progress of the Vertical Project.
April 6, 2022
Each team presented solved problems, listed the remaining tasks, and discussed further ideas on how to improve the project. Among other goals, the students introduced an efficient data exchange using the Arduino Cloud IoT service. They also integrated an auxiliary microcontroller and several sensors and actuators to extend the self-awareness of VESNA. The application interface was also improved. The original plan of each team was revisited and updated subject to the remaining tasks and the novel ideas introduced into the project.
Vertical project route map
Initial stand-up of students presenting a route map reaching the goals of the Vertical Project.
March 1, 2022
Team leaders introduced hired team members and presented a detailed task- and time-management for reaching the goals of the Vertical Project—integrated courses on Project on Process Control and Group Project.
VESNA levels up the format of education
Kick-off meeting of the Vertical Project.
February 16, 2022
Project VESNA was introduced into the unique format of the Vertical Project that efficiently integrates the courses on Project on Process Control and the course on Group Project. The Vertical Project emphasizes the synergic effects of cross-grade student cooperation. The Vertical Project is elaborated by the students at the Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics, FCHPT, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
Final presentations of the Project on Process Control
The final meeting of the course on the Project on Process Control, where students demonstrated the abilities of the prototype of greenhouse VESNA.
January 20, 2022
Each team presented the reached goals—CoreTeam established efficient wireless communication between sensors and actuators on one side and the cloud on the other side. The SmartTeam introduced the basic control loops for advanced autonomous control, and AppTeam developed an initial version of a cross-platform and user-friendly application enabling basic remote supervision and control using smartphones and tablets. The DEMO successfully demonstrated the remote control of the greenhouse using a developed app. Students discussed their experience in project development, teamwork, and the improvement of soft skills. The students of the course Project on Process Control also proposed further interesting ideas on how to continue the development of the project, see the picture on Facebook (status in Slovak).
Development of VESNA goes fully remote
In view of the current COVID-19 pandemic, education is realised in a remote framework.
November 22, 2021
The students experience challenging teamwork on the Project on Process Control in an online and remote framework.
Mid-term project meeting
Mid-term project meeting of students presenting current progress of the Project on Process Control.
November 11, 2021
Each team presented reached goals, listed the remaining tasks, and discussed further ideas on how to improve the project. The original plan of each team was revisited and updated subject to the novel ideas introduced into the project.
VESNA got funding
We gratefully acknowledge the Tatra Bank Foundation (Nadácia Tatra banky) for supporting our grant application: Construction of a Smart Eco Greenhouse VESNA.
November 5, 2021
We are proud that our grant application was among 12% of supported projects. This support enables us to significantly increase the performance and technical background.
Project route map
Initial stand-up of students presenting a route map reaching the goals for each task.
September 30, 2021
Team leaders introduced hired team members and presented a detailed task- and time-management for reaching the goals of each task of course on Project on Process Control.
VESNA enters education
Kick-off meeting of Project on Process Control.
September 23, 2021
Project VESNA was successfully integrated into the course Project on Process Control elaborated by the students at the Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics, FCHPT, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
Launch web
VESNA homepage has been online since July 12, 2021.
July 12, 2021
We are thrilled to share the ideas of the VESNA project worldwide to inspire young researchers, students, and their supervisors to come up with smart and innovative ideas.
VESNA was born
Project VESNA was established on July 2, 2021.
July 2, 2021
VESNA was originally developed as an assignment for a student project, but soon after several brainstormings, it grew up into a complex project with a scope far beyond a semestral project.
That’s it.