face the climate change by smart micro-range organic farming

Some detailed information is still to be announced on this page, but the main ideas have already been planted.


The VESNA HACKATHON is the student benchmark competition event expected in September 2022. The main challenge is to carry out innovative solutions to the current global change—the micro-range sustainable organic farming provided by smart technologies, see Smart Eco Approach. Simultaneously, the goal of the VESNA HACKATHON event is to develop and promote the community of the student in the field of automation and process control with a special focus on environmental sustainability.

For whom?

The VESNA HACKATHON is organized for the bachelor and master students in the study fields focused on automation, process control, and informatics at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU). To prevent any barriers to accessing the event for the students based on their social status, student registration is free of charge.
We support the diversity and inclusion of team members. The special focus is taken on the support of gender equality in science and start-ups. Therefore, except for the main award granted for the Best Innovative Solution, also the special award will be granted to the Female Student Innovative Solution. The awarded students will be rewarded with high-performing tablets.
After opening registration, the registration form will be available here.

Expected goals

Although the VESNA HACKATHON event could, naturally, lead to innovative research results for the VESNA project, the primal aim of organizing the VESNA HACKATHON fulfils the educational goals—upskilling the students‘ knowledge, improving the soft skills, teamwork, time-management, problem-solving, and presentation skills. Moreover, the created solutions could be a part of the interactive showcases presented at other events and activities focused on promoting university education in the field of automation and process control for a wide audience including high-school students.


The students will develop their projects in the micro-teams consisting of 2 members.
Students use their own laptops.
Several mentors are available to discuss with students the challenges.
The committee will judge the quality of each project recognise two awards:
Best Innovative Solution – for the outstanding innovative project
Female Student Innovative Solution – for the outstanding innovative project by the female student

Organisators and mentors

Juraj Oravec – project team leader
Peter Bakaráč – expert for embedded hardware and software, main supervisor
Matúš Furka, Roman Kohút – mentors for programming of the embedded hardware and software
Michaela Horváthová, Diana Dzurková – mentors for safe (robust) and secure controller design
Kristína Fedorová, Lenka Galčíková – mentors for optimization and advanced controller design


VESNA HACKATHON event is designed as a two-days activity expected in September 2022.

Day 1: 8:00 – 20:00
– 8:00 – 8:30 – registration & breakfast
– 8:30 – 9:00 – introduction and creative impulses
– 9:00 – 10:00 – brainstorming in individual teams
– 10:00 – 10:30 – short standups of each team presenting the project outlook
– 10:30 – 20:00 – intensive work on the projects and support program

The support program includes a workshop focused on how to run and lead a start-up (invited speaker from the university department dedicated to start-up support).

Day 2: 9:00 – 14:00
9:00 – 12:00 – team presentations
12:00 – 13:00 – judging the projects by the committee
13:00 – 14:00 – award ceremony and feedback picking